Over the years, trust has been greatly diminished, if not broken. Not only has trust in the board been lost by landowners, but the board has also lost trust in its constituents. If the association is to not only survive, but thrive, trust must be earned and restored. It is said that it takes years to earn trust but only minutes to tear it down. Ironically, it seems that it is the landowners who are taking the lead to do something about this rather than the leadership of the board. Not surprisingly, however, it is clear that the association must be operated from the bottom up, not from the top down. Landowners must take an active role to insure this happens. “Self governance is not intended to be a spectator sport.”

Currently there are two public venues that landowners may utilize to voice their opinions, concerns and suggestions without the confines of the board’s “three minute limitation” for landowners to speak at board and committee meetings: The new GLA Member Forum and here on the Glastonbury Landowners For Positive Change site.

For the GLA board to rebuild trust with the landowners, it must return governance of the Glastonbury Landowners Association to the landowners, and provide the following:

*Mutual respect.
*Civil discourse.
*Honesty in all matters.
*Transparency in all matters.
*Fiduciary responsibility in all matters.
*Full disclosure in all matters.
*Accurate and timely minutes of all board and committee meetings.
*Frequent, focused and meaningful communications with landowners.
*End the lawsuits. Use the courts only after all other potential remedies are exhausted.

Without honoring and practicing the above principles the board will continue to sabotage itself. Time is of the essence. We cannot permit indifference to continue. Please join the discussion.

As Gandhi said, “Be the change…”